when: 23 Jul 2008, start: 10:00, end: 08:00
Hungary, Lake Balaton, Open Air entrance: 50 EU
Beyond (Procyon - HU)
Bliss (Phantasm, Nutek - IL)
Der Dritte Raum (Harthouse, Virgin, Cocoon, Resopal - DE)
Frantic Noise (Dark Prisma, AuraQuake - AR)
Headroom (Nano - ZA)
Kalumet (Halu Beats - HU)
Klopfgeister (Iono, Balloonia, Millenium - DE)
Megalopsy (Dark Prisma - AR)
Multi Effect Professor (No Man's Land, Vestaxdj.Hu, Beatspecialists, NVC - HU)
Para Halu (Psylife Music - HU)
Penta (AuraQuake - Azores Islands, PT)
Shiva Chandra (Spintwist - DE)
Symphonixx (Bluetunes - DE)
Tegma (Tribal Vision - SE)
XSI (Mind Control - FR)
Y-East (Independent - HU)
Arara vs Stratos (Candyflip, Slikit - GR)
Criss Source (Mauritius Music - DE)
Digoa (Alchemy, Digital Hive - GB)
Dr Zoidberg vs The Gammer (No Man's Land, [party.origo.hu], NVC - HU)
Edoardo (Neurobiotic - IT)
ET (Psyguys - HU)
Evgeny vs Zombi (Beef, Plusquam - IL)
Fabio Giannelli (Italo Business, Logical, Material Series, Ocean Dark - IT)
Görgö (Human Touch - HU)
Harada (Audio Therapy - DE)
Ilija Grom (Phantasm - MK)
Indepth (Mikelabella - IL)
James Monro (Tropical Beats - GB)
Jens Lissat (Ministry Of Sound, Toolroom - DE)
Josko (Neurobiotic - IT)
Justin Chaos (Binari Music, Point Red - AR)
Mapusa Mapusa (Bluetunes - DE)
Max Wane vs Plaz (No Man's Land, Beatspecialists - HU)
Polymorphin (Schallschnelle - HU)
Sassah (GF Rec. - BR)
Simon B (Twisted - GB)
Skunkbeat (Chaishop - DE)
Slater (Tribal Vision - CZ)
Steven-M (two-B-music - DE)
Thomas Penton (Tribal Vision - US)
Tsubi (Human Touch - HU)
Wylhelm (Askarabaskara Crew - HU)
Balkan Fanatik (HU)
Barabás Lőrinc Eklektric (HU)
Colorstar (HU)
Dj Bootsie Quartet (HU)
Drap (HU)
Irie Maffia (HU)
Kliment (BG)
Korai Öröm (HU)
The Carbonfools (HU)
Turbopauza (HU)
Bosi (Love Alliance - HU)
Krama (Love Alliance - HU)
Biggie (Love Alliance - HU)
MC Milli Chab (Love Alliance - HU)
Andre (Hairy - HU)
Naga (Hairy - HU)
Beta (Hairy - HU)
Marvin (Unsigned - HU)
Cadik (All Soundz - HU)
Mango (Gimmeshot - HU)
Quick (Peaches 'n Cream - HU)
Breakfastaz (The Breakfast Club - UK)
Ctrl Z (777, Hardcore Beats, Rat - UK)
Ludmilla (Ayra, EN:Vision, Fingerlickin' White - HU)
Employees (Smokebreak - HU)
Andy Slate (Soulmate, Dizkotronik, Missile, Alt Route, DSR - DE)
Ben Long (Naked Lunch, Potential, Tortured - GB)
Benzol (Strip - HU)
Bjoern Mandry (Mauritius Music - DE)
Carco vs. Kevin Fenton (Drumloop/Electrofunction- HU)
Cartman (JustMusic.FM - HU)
Chris Wood (Level Non Zero - DE)
Collins & Behnam (Rotation, Analytic Trail, Titanium, Ego - HU)
Domenic D'Agnelli (LevelNonZero, Greatstuff, Pineapple, Plastilin - IT)
Dr. Lion (Partysan - HU)
Isu (Minimalheadz - HU)
Kid Chris (Open Bar, Circle, Pacha, Queep - DE)
Killer Sister (Unsigned - UA)
LaKing (D250 Laboratories - HU)
Oliver Moldan (Toolroom, Baroque, Rapid Response, Audio Therapy - DE)
Pedro aka Waxman (Tilos - HU)
Roberto Q. Ingram (Exun, XXX, Equator, Black Nation - US)
Tim Taylor (Missile - UK)
Tom vs Guri (Groove Criminals - IL)
Ufi (TFR - HU)
Freeman Jazz Band
Grand Hotel Budapest
Kerekes Band
Agent M
Dr Zoidberg
Girls & Mathematics
James Cage
Mr. B
23-26 JULY 2008
at Lake Balaton, HUNGARY
This will be the fourth No Man's Land Festival. Our constantly updating music-dance extravaganza will, along with retaining its original style, also present you the audience with something you have never seen before. We hope that you'll also love our new venue, the expanding music selection and the prices which are very friendly compared to other festivals - take a look.
The long-awaited festival will explode into summer between 23rd and 27th July. Taking last year's experience into account we have managed to find a new venue where those who wish to bring a little real summer holiday into the four days will be able to do so - this year's festival will be held in the Somogy County Children's Camp in Fonyódliget. Set right on the shores of beautiful Lake Balaton our event will provide a new highlight in the established Balaton buzz. The exact address and photos are under the Venue menu.
One of the most important changes will be in the music sphere. The final line-up is already up on the site for you to check out - nine styles on three stages, as well as a real music pub, await you.
The Mainstage music is most similar to that of the previous three festivals. Here you'll be able to enjoy psychedelic, progressive and full on performances. Most of our performers are returning guests.
We've built the Partysan Stage in association with the German Partysan magazine. Here primarily German and British performers will bring techno, house, proghouse and electro to us.
We've loosely organised the music on the Alternative Stage - which pretty much defies classification - into thematic days. You'll also have the chance to hear concerts given by all the definitive Hungarian underground bands. You'll find something you love whether smoke-break beats are your thing, or if you like hiphop, reggae-dub and future disco too.
We have finally achieved our dream too; while drinking your atmosphere-enhancing refreshments you'll be able to enjoy real pub music! Ethno and jazzy bands will be here to provide musical accompaniment to authentic pálinkas (fruit schnapps), superb locally produced wines and, of course, beer and other (non-)alcoholic drinks.
Thanks to all this and ticket prices kept totally affordable a fantastic festival is taking shape - come and join us!
other price information here: http://nomanslandfestival.com/?page=49
23-26 JULY 2008
at Lake Balaton, HUNGARY
This will be the fourth No Man's Land Festival. Our constantly updating music-dance extravaganza will, along with retaining its original style, also present you the audience with something you have never seen before. We hope that you'll also love our new venue, the expanding music selection and the prices which are very friendly compared to other festivals - take a look.
The long-awaited festival will explode into summer between 23rd and 27th July. Taking last year's experience into account we have managed to find a new venue where those who wish to bring a little real summer holiday into the four days will be able to do so - this year's festival will be held in the Somogy County Children's Camp in Fonyódliget. Set right on the shores of beautiful Lake Balaton our event will provide a new highlight in the established Balaton buzz. The exact address and photos are under the Venue menu.
One of the most important changes will be in the music sphere. The final line-up is already up on the site for you to check out - nine styles on three stages, as well as a real music pub, await you.
The Mainstage music is most similar to that of the previous three festivals. Here you'll be able to enjoy psychedelic, progressive and full on performances. Most of our performers are returning guests.
We've built the Partysan Stage in association with the German Partysan magazine. Here primarily German and British performers will bring techno, house, proghouse and electro to us.
We've loosely organised the music on the Alternative Stage - which pretty much defies classification - into thematic days. You'll also have the chance to hear concerts given by all the definitive Hungarian underground bands. You'll find something you love whether smoke-break beats are your thing, or if you like hiphop, reggae-dub and future disco too.
We have finally achieved our dream too; while drinking your atmosphere-enhancing refreshments you'll be able to enjoy real pub music! Ethno and jazzy bands will be here to provide musical accompaniment to authentic pálinkas (fruit schnapps), superb locally produced wines and, of course, beer and other (non-)alcoholic drinks.
Thanks to all this and ticket prices kept totally affordable a fantastic festival is taking shape - come and join us!
other price information here: http://nomanslandfestival.com/?page=49
The Mainstage music is most similar to that of the previous three festivals. Here you'll be able to enjoy psychedelic, progressive and full on performances. Most of our performers are returning guests.
23rd of july, wednesday
20:00-22:00 Polymorphin
22:00-00:00 Indepth
00:00-02:00 James Monro
02:00-04:00 Harada
04:00-06:00 Jens Lissat
06:00-09:00 Arara vs Stratos
09:00-11:00 Simon B
11:00-13:00 Wegha
13:00-15:00 Sassah
24th of july, thursday
20:00-22:00 Görgő
22:00-23:30 Kalumet Live
23:30-01:00 Shiva Chandra Live
01:00-03:00 Slater
03:00-04:30 Tegma Live
04:30-06:30 Digoa
06:30-08:30 Wylhelm
08:30-11:30 Evgeny vs Zombi
11:30-13:30 Josko
13:30-15:30 Fungus vs Plaz
25th of july, friday / 26th of july, saturday
20:00-22:00 ET
22:00-23:30 Yeast Live
23:30-01:30 Edoardo
01:30-03:00 Frantic Noise Live
03:00-04:30 Megalopsy Live
04:30-06:00 Bliss Live
06:00-07:30 Beyond Live
07:30-09:00 XSI Live
09:00-11:00 Mapusa Mapusa
11:00-12:30 Symphonix Live
12:30-14:30 Steven-M
14:30-16:30 Skunkbeat
16:30-18:30 Justin Chaos
18:30-20:30 Tsubi
20:30-22:30 Fabio Giannelli
22:30-00:00 Der Dritte Raum Live
00:00-02:00 Pascal FEOS
02:00-03:30 Klopfgeister Live
03:30-05:00 Para Halu Live
05:00-06:30 Penta Live
06:30-08:30 Ilija Grom
08:30-10:00 Headroom Live
10:00-12:00 Criss Source
12:00-14:00 Dr Zoidberg vs The Gammer
14:00-16:00 Multi Effect Professor feat Trevor McGregor
We've loosely organised the music on the Alternative Stage - which pretty much defies classification - into thematic days. You'll also have the chance to hear concerts given by all the definitive Hungarian underground bands. You'll find something you love whether smoke-break beats are your thing, or if you like hiphop, reggae-dub and future disco too.
23rd of july, wednesday
16:00-17:30 Barabás Lőrinc Eklektric
18:00-19:30 Irie Maffia
20:00-21:30 Dj Bootsie Quartet
Love Alliance Night
22:00-04:00 Bosi, Krama, Biggie, MC Milli Chab
24th of july, thursday
16:00-17:30 Turbopauza
18:00-19:30 Colorstar
20:00-21:30 Korai Öröm
Hairy Night
22:00-04:00 Andre, Naga, Beta
25th of july, friday
16:00-17:30 Drap
18:00-19:30 The Carbonfools
20:00-21:30 Balkan Fanatik
Hip Hop Night 22:00-04:00 Cadik, Quick, Mango
26th of july, saturday
16:00-17:30 Dobkör
18:00-19:30 Really
20:00-21:30 Kliment
Smoke/Break Night
22:00-00:00 Ludmilla
00:00-02:00 The Breakfastaz
02:00-04:00 CTRL Z
04:00-06:00 Employees
We've built the Partysan Stage in association with the German Partysan magazine. Here primarily German and British performers will bring techno, house, proghouse and electro to us.
23rd of july, wednesday
22:00-00:00 Pedro aka Waxman
00:00-02:00 Kid Chris
02:00-04:00 Killer Sister
04:00-06:00 Carco vs Kevin Fenton
24th of july, thursday
22:00-00:00 Cartman
00:00-02:00 Björn Mandry
02:00-04:00 Oliver Moldan
04:00-06:00 Nazo
06:00-08:00 Tom vs Guri
25th of july, friday
22:00-00:00 Benzol
00:00-02:00 Collins & Behnam
02:00-04:00 Ben Long
04:00-06:00 Roberto Q. Ingram
06:00-08:00 Isu
08:00-10:00 LaKing
26th of july, saturday
20:00-22:00 Dr. Lion
22:00-00:00 Domenic D'Agnelli
00:00-02:00 Tim Taylor
02:00-04:00 Chris Wood
04:00-06:00 Andy Slate
06:00-08:00 Ufi
The Mainstage music is most similar to that of the previous three festivals. Here you'll be able to enjoy psychedelic, progressive and full on performances. Most of our performers are returning guests.
23rd of july, wednesday
20:00-22:00 Polymorphin
22:00-00:00 Indepth
00:00-02:00 James Monro
02:00-04:00 Harada
04:00-06:00 Jens Lissat
06:00-09:00 Arara vs Stratos
09:00-11:00 Simon B
11:00-13:00 Wegha
13:00-15:00 Sassah
24th of july, thursday
20:00-22:00 Görgő
22:00-23:30 Kalumet Live
23:30-01:00 Shiva Chandra Live
01:00-03:00 Slater
03:00-04:30 Tegma Live
04:30-06:30 Digoa
06:30-08:30 Wylhelm
08:30-11:30 Evgeny vs Zombi
11:30-13:30 Josko
13:30-15:30 Fungus vs Plaz
25th of july, friday / 26th of july, saturday
20:00-22:00 ET
22:00-23:30 Yeast Live
23:30-01:30 Edoardo
01:30-03:00 Frantic Noise Live
03:00-04:30 Megalopsy Live
04:30-06:00 Bliss Live
06:00-07:30 Beyond Live
07:30-09:00 XSI Live
09:00-11:00 Mapusa Mapusa
11:00-12:30 Symphonix Live
12:30-14:30 Steven-M
14:30-16:30 Skunkbeat
16:30-18:30 Justin Chaos
18:30-20:30 Tsubi
20:30-22:30 Fabio Giannelli
22:30-00:00 Der Dritte Raum Live
00:00-02:00 Pascal FEOS
02:00-03:30 Klopfgeister Live
03:30-05:00 Para Halu Live
05:00-06:30 Penta Live
06:30-08:30 Ilija Grom
08:30-10:00 Headroom Live
10:00-12:00 Criss Source
12:00-14:00 Dr Zoidberg vs The Gammer
14:00-16:00 Multi Effect Professor feat Trevor McGregor
We've loosely organised the music on the Alternative Stage - which pretty much defies classification - into thematic days. You'll also have the chance to hear concerts given by all the definitive Hungarian underground bands. You'll find something you love whether smoke-break beats are your thing, or if you like hiphop, reggae-dub and future disco too.
23rd of july, wednesday
16:00-17:30 Barabás Lőrinc Eklektric
18:00-19:30 Irie Maffia
20:00-21:30 Dj Bootsie Quartet
Love Alliance Night
22:00-04:00 Bosi, Krama, Biggie, MC Milli Chab
24th of july, thursday
16:00-17:30 Turbopauza
18:00-19:30 Colorstar
20:00-21:30 Korai Öröm
Hairy Night
22:00-04:00 Andre, Naga, Beta
25th of july, friday
16:00-17:30 Drap
18:00-19:30 The Carbonfools
20:00-21:30 Balkan Fanatik
Hip Hop Night 22:00-04:00 Cadik, Quick, Mango
26th of july, saturday
16:00-17:30 Dobkör
18:00-19:30 Really
20:00-21:30 Kliment
Smoke/Break Night
22:00-00:00 Ludmilla
00:00-02:00 The Breakfastaz
02:00-04:00 CTRL Z
04:00-06:00 Employees
We've built the Partysan Stage in association with the German Partysan magazine. Here primarily German and British performers will bring techno, house, proghouse and electro to us.
23rd of july, wednesday
22:00-00:00 Pedro aka Waxman
00:00-02:00 Kid Chris
02:00-04:00 Killer Sister
04:00-06:00 Carco vs Kevin Fenton
24th of july, thursday
22:00-00:00 Cartman
00:00-02:00 Björn Mandry
02:00-04:00 Oliver Moldan
04:00-06:00 Nazo
06:00-08:00 Tom vs Guri
25th of july, friday
22:00-00:00 Benzol
00:00-02:00 Collins & Behnam
02:00-04:00 Ben Long
04:00-06:00 Roberto Q. Ingram
06:00-08:00 Isu
08:00-10:00 LaKing
26th of july, saturday
20:00-22:00 Dr. Lion
22:00-00:00 Domenic D'Agnelli
00:00-02:00 Tim Taylor
02:00-04:00 Chris Wood
04:00-06:00 Andy Slate
06:00-08:00 Ufi