
alias: Daniel Lee

mission: promote, dj

toki's dossier: Toki is a maker of mischief. A tinkerer. One need only visit his workshop, where teetering junk piles are fashioned into anything from hypnotic mind rays to doomsday dancefloor devices...all of which he tests on us, whether we realize it or not.
Daniel's dossier : Daniel comes to us from the SF Bay Area, where he spent 3+ years being inspired by the local psy scene, while dj'ing and attending grad school. His first exposure to psytrance was back in 1999 while at a party in Tokyo. Now he's in the Midwest, as a co-founder of Audiognomes, ready to inject a potent psychedelic cocktail of sound straight into the brains of some jaded yet eager young heads of cheese. Toki's recipe for psy is stirred a bit slower...flavored with an open can of progresso melody, and served over a bed of deep, funky grooves. Simmer and let stand...enjoy.
